for international calls


0900 / 0930 / 0901 / 0931

Service numbers


Benefit from every call

Discover an innovative way to generate revenue and cash with every call: The 0900/0930/0901/0931 numbers from CALLCOM offer you the chance to increase your revenue.

With differentiated tariff options and intelligent network functions, we enable you to customize your service and benefit from every connection. Use our wide range of features to stand out from the competition and strengthen your customer loyalty. Learn how to choose your personal phone number to optimize your service while maintaining maximum control over your revenue. Discover the benefits of our premium numbers and experience the transparency, flexibility and efficiency of our services.

callcom 0900 numbers portrait

Info about

0900 / 0930


Choose from 18 tariff levels and determine the value of your service. For the 0900 number, the tariff levels range from € 0.22 to € 3.64 per minute. For 0901 numbers, the call rates vary between € 0.10 and € 9.00 per call.

Advantages of

0900 / 0930


Info about

0901 / 0931


0901/0931 Service numbers

Cost transparency thanks to 6-digit format